About Us
Sheri Haslam Easterbrook
Disaster Response & Recovery Consultant with a focus on Children, Youth, and Families
Sheri is a child development specialist with a background in trauma who uses her skills to create child-centred crisis & emergency programs. She grew up in a small town in the Northwest Territories where a desire to better understand Adverse Childhood Experiences was sparked. Sheri is dedicated to improving resilience in children by using best practices in the planning stages of disaster management.

Sh'vaun Nosworthy
Program Design Specialist
Sh’vaun is a Child and Youth Program Specialist with a focus on children with diagnosis. Sh’vaun is a Canadian, raised in Texas, who is enjoying being back in Canada. Sh’vaun graduated from Mount Royal University with a degree in Child Studies (major in Child and Youth Counselling). Sh’vaun now spends her time programming and working with families to learn effective strategies to support children with complex needs.
When Sh’vaun is not “playing” with kids, she’s spending time with her cats, friends and family. Marco stands beside Sh’vaun as her partner and biggest fan. They enjoy the mountains, special holidays and taking Marco’s nephews on fun adventures.
Sh’vaun works with Lead as the primary programming specialist, creating custom toolkits, and developing and delivering the accompanying training.

Coby Marsh
Operations Lead
Coby was born and raised in northern British Columbia. Coby, her brother and sister enjoyed strong family connections in Lax Kw’alaams and were avid hockey players in Prince Rupert. Coby developed a love for the outdoors through hiking, climbing, kayaking, camping and fishing. With family across Canada, Coby also grew to love travelling to maintain those important relationships.
Coby discovered early on that she wanted to be a pilot and built a career as a helicopter pilot. This allowed Coby to experience a variety of landscapes, fly several different types of aircraft and use her strengths to complete many projects ranging from fire suppression to geographic research. Coby has maintained her pilot license for over 20 years and continues to improve her skills today.
Coby serves as the Operations Lead and supports Lead Services through her detail-oriented approach. Coby is a valued member of the team and has experience in organizing, documenting, analyzing information, identifying resources, and facilitating a culturally respectful practice.

Value Statement
Lead With Your Heart Corp. is a group of like-minded, dedicated professionals who desire to increase resilience and support mental health outcomes in children and youth when experiencing a disaster.
We value belonging, inclusion, self-determination, and respect. These values inform our grassroots approach to child-centred disaster response & recovery planning.
We believe in the power of community and use a strength-based approach as we strive to ensure that children and youth experiencing disasters have what they need when they need it.
For children who are valued by their community in a way that places them as the highest priority during a disaster, best practices become the standard for planning, mitigating, response and recovery.
This picture was taken in the NWT and represents the value of a village.