
Integrated Developmental Educational & Assessment Services (IDEAS)
- Believes that an interdisciplinary approach is the most effective and efficient way to help people live a fully functional life.
- Serves the adult, adolescent and child populations.
- Offers parents, teachers and/or child service providers the opportunity to become actively involved in the child’s learning and development.
- Offers a comprehensive team of professionals, with years of combined experience in a variety of settings.
- Provides services in the areas of Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology. Specialized Tutoring services can also be accessed through IDEAS.

Imagine Institute for Learning
Imagine Institute for Learning invites professionals across sectors to imagine what is possible in a world where compassion meets action. We use evidence-informed practice and research to create immersive learning opportunities that will ignite the potential and inspire the hearts of participants who work to support human beings in different settings. Whether you are a social worker, educator, first responder, health practitioner, or community worker, our trainings provide the necessary catalyst to up your game and be the best version of yourself in practice